Molly Samuel M.B.E is a world-renowned Karate champion who has made a name for herself in the martial arts world. Molly began training quickly became a talented athlete in numerous sports but her heart was in Karate.

Throughout her career, Molly has achieved numerous accolades and awards in both national and international competitions. She has won multiple gold medals in the World Karate Championships and has been ranked as one of the top karate athletes in the world.

In addition to her impressive athletic achievements, Molly has also been recognized for her contributions to the sport and her commitment to empowering young athletes. In 2016, she was awarded the title of Member of the Order of the British Empire (MBE) for her services to karate.

We are grateful for the time that Sensei took to come along to give a seminar and we like to thank JHKA for hosting the event.

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