Message from the EKF President
Dear Members
As you will know Parliament have voted in favour of a one-month National Lockdown which means we must again close our clubs and dojos.
There have been a number of enquiries whether the lockdown applied to Under 18’s training as there had been some confusing messages, as well as representations made to allow under 18’s sport to continue.
Unfortunately, there has been no such concessions. Despite past comments, all Grassroot sport delivered face to face, in-person, must cease. Online Zoom type sessions are allowed.
EKF will continue to monitor the situation and will update members as and when we know more. We would urge all members to follow EKF advice, rather than listen to conjecture and rumour.
If members are in any doubt, they should in the first instance contact their head of association or contact the EKF.
Keep safe and keep those around you safe.
Kind regards
Steve Coupland, EKF President