I am sure you will have all seen the latest government announcement regarding the new lockdown measures which restrict social gatherings to a maximum of 6 people.

However, organised Team Sport can continue under the specific guidance of their National Governing Bodies. Therefore, organised Karate can continue as we are deemed a ‘team’ sport.

All EKF clubs are expected to abide by the ‘return to training’ guidance which was issued several weeks ago. .

It is becoming apparent that whilst the overwhelming vast majority of you are following the guidance, there are a few that are stretching the rules. This must stop. By attempting to flaunt the rules, not only do you place yourself and your students at risk, but you also place the credibility of Karate and the EKF at risk. Please strictly follow the guidance.

We know that clubs are struggling under the guidance, but there is little we can do at this time as our hands are tied by the Government. Like you, we want to see a return to normality and we are doing all we can to make this happen. However, the new measures imposed by the Government should serve as clear warning and indication that there is some way to go yet.

The EKF continue to seek information and clarity from the Government, and will be update you as this information becomes available.

In the meantime, keep safe and keep those around you safe

A message from the EKF President

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