It is time to get the show back on the road!
Our preparation training sessions will go ahead FACE TO FACE as we prepare for 2021 and our first event back. We must now work to bring each other together as a squad and bring our training back to a certain level in order to compete in those National events that we have so far made huge progress in.
The good news is, we will now work with both a kumite squad and a kata squad. You can do both!! Equally, if you are not a squad member but have an interest in kata or kumite, it is open for you to register and train with us.
Joint squad training dates between Forza and our sister club JHKA have been added.
Kumite Training Sessions
1. Sunday 11th October (Rayleigh Primary)
2. Sunday 15th November (Chingford)
3. Sunday 6th December (Rayleigh Primary)
Plus: FINAL TRAINING SESSION IN JANUARY will be added for registration December 2020.
Kata Training Sessions
1. Saturday 31st October (Rayleigh Primary)
2. Saturday 21st November (Chingford)
3. Saturday 12th December (Rayleigh Primary)
Plus: FINAL TRAINING SESSION IN JANUARY will be added for registration December 2020.
For more information contact your instructor for details.
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