Virtual Training Grading
Well done to the following students that graded online during lock down D. East 10th Kyu L. Eissa 8th kyu T.Eissa 7th kyu Upminster student alongside Sensei Scott and Sensei…
Karate in Rayleigh, Upminster - Beginners welcome - Register for a trial class
Well done to the following students that graded online during lock down D. East 10th Kyu L. Eissa 8th kyu T.Eissa 7th kyu Upminster student alongside Sensei Scott and Sensei…
A full house at Upminster for the female karate-ka in the junior/senior classes. Keeping social distancing the girls decided to be in a group of their own and work hard…
We are recruiting children from 4 years and above to learn Karate in a safe and fun environment. What are you waiting for, sign up today!
It is time to get the show back on the road! Our preparation training sessions will go ahead FACE TO FACE as we prepare for 2021 and our first event…
I am sure you will have all seen the latest government announcement regarding the new lockdown measures which restrict social gatherings to a maximum of 6 people. However, organised Team…
All students at Forza Karate Club are to complete at track and trace questionnaire before each class. PLEASE, IF YOU SHOW ANY SIGNS OR SYMPTOMS, STAY AT HOME AND GET…